Tinder Tortilla

Agency: Edelman Spain
Client: Tinder Spain x LGFM

ECD: Felipe Braz
Creative Team: Albert Botelho, Andrea Alés, Clara Barrios Faz, David Ussetti, Eiji Kozaka, Marcelo Conde, Paula Cobos Cuesta y Sara Armengol

Shot by: Roberto Castelli

¿Con o sin cebolla? El debate alrededor de la tortilla de patatas en España no deja de generar contenidos, controversias y ahora también una nueva receta de edición limitada. Desde Tinder nos unimos con La Gran Familia Mediterránea, el servicio delivery del chef y estrella Michelín Dani García, para crear TinderTortilla: la primera tortilla de patatas mitad con cebolla, mitad sin. Para que tu match no se pique contigo cuando le cuentes que eres #TeamSinCebolla (aunque hayas tenido buen gusto para escogerle a él).


With or without onion? The debate around the Spanish potato omelette continues to generate content, controversy and now also a new limited edition recipe. At Tinder we teamed up with La Gran Familia Mediterránea, chef and Michelin star Dani García's delivery service, to create TinderTortilla: the first potato omelette half with onion, half without. So that your match doesn't get annoyed when you tell them you're #TeamNoOnion (although you've had good taste in choosing him).

*Once upon a time there was an tortilla that managed to do what no one had ever been able to do before: AGREE.

*With onionists: Conquering the kitchens of Spain and... your heart.

And... about your mother not putting it on is a lie, get over it.

*Without onionists: I can accept failure, but the omelette with onion thing is a bit too much for me.

They call me the best omelette in the country but you can call me tonight.

*I wish you'd eat me like you're going to eat this Spanish tortilla.

*The Spanish tortilla with onion or without judgement.

If it makes you cry it's not worth it :/

... is it?

*Done for With Onionists and Without Onionists

*best tortilla secret recipe

*An omelette so that no one is left halfway.

*However you like it - Tortilla for every taste.


Recycling Tattoos


Tinder Medium w/ Rappel