Nuestra primera aventura “delinquiendo” por las calles de Madrid vino de la mano de un briefing mientras estudiábamos en Brother para hacer una idea real que saliese en medios. Así que, con motivo de la segunda temporada de Drag Race España, decidimos demostrarle a todos aquellos arcaicos y anticuados que todos tenemos una reina en nuestro interior (hasta las estatuas más míticas de la capital).
Our first adventure “breaking the law” in the streets of Madrid came as a result of a briefing by Brother Madrid while we were studying there. We were asked to create a real idea that would be covered by media. Due to the upcoming second season of Drag Race Spain, we decided to show all those archaic and old-fashioned people that we all have a queen within ourselves (even the most iconic statues of the capital).
Creative Team: Andrea Alés, Clara Barrios & Isaac Bouzaid
Brother Madrid